Find your canonical plasmid

In the dropdown menu below, you can select a combination of choice for your canonical SEVA plasmids. In case your desired plasmid is not constructed yet, please look for the different pieces to assemble it yourself and then contribute to the SEVA database!


  • oriV: vegetative origin of plasmid replication
  • oriT: origin of transfer
  • MCS: multiple cloning site
  • AbR: antibiotic resistance cassette
  • Gbk: Genbank file
  • SBOL: Synthetic Biology Open Language
  • Ap: ampicillin (150 ug ml-1 for E. coli and 500 ug ml-1 P. putida).
  • Km: kanamycin (50 ug ml-1 for E. coli and P. putida).
  • Cm: chloramphenicol (30 ug ml-1 for E. coli).
  • Sm: streptomycin (50 ug ml-1 for E. coli and 100 ug ml-1 P. putida).
  • Sp: spectinomycin (50 ug ml-1 for E. coli and 100 ug ml-1 P. putida).
  • Tc: tetracycline (10 ug ml-1 for E. coli and P. putida).
  • Gm: gentamicin (10 ug ml-1 for E. coli and 15-20 ug ml-1P. putida).
  • Tmp: trimethroprim (10 ug ml-1 for E. coli).
  • Am: apramycin (40 ug ml-1 for E. coli and P. putida and 100 ug ml-1 for S. albus)

Canonical SEVA list

The vectors and tools included in this section fulfill all the strict standardization criteria of the collection and are assigned a definitive SEVA code that indicates unambiguously the selection marker, the origin of replication and the cargo inserted in the vector frame. Constructs—either generated in the CNB or kindly contributed by members of the community—have been verified and curated by the database managers. Sometimes, deviation from the standard are detected in some constructs delivered to third parties. Typical nonconformities include spontaneous single-nucleotide poymorphisms and adventituous aquisition of insertion sequences.